Recent Publications
- Hunt, L & Chalmers, D (Eds.) (2012) University teaching in focus: A learning-centred approach. Melbourne: London, London, Routledge /Melbourne, ACER Press.
- Chalmers, D. & Fuller, R. (1996). Teaching for learning at university. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
Chapters in Books
- Chalmers, D, & Partridge, L (2012), ‘Teaching graduate attributes and academic skills’, in L Hunt, & D Chalmers (eds), Focus on university teaching, London, Routledge /Melbourne, ACER Press.
- Hunt, L, Chalmers, D, & Macdonald, R (2012), ‘Effective classroom teaching’, in L Hunt, & D Chalmers (eds), Focus on university teaching, London, Routledge /Melbourne, ACER Press.
- Chalmers, D. (2011). Student feedback in the Australian national and university context. In Patricie Mertova and Sid Nair (Editors). Student feedback: The cornerstone to an effective quality assurance system in higher education. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp 81-97.
- Chalmers, D. and Johnston, S. (2012). Quality assurance and accreditation in higher education. In Insung Jung, Colin Latchem (Eds). Quality, Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Open and Distance Education: Models, policies and research .pp 1-12.
- Hunt, L., & Chalmers, D. (2016) Change leadership, management and strategies to promote quality university teaching and learning. In Handbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in Higher Education , Editors: Siran Mukerji & Purnendu Tripathi: Publisher:
Refereed journals
- Chalmers. D & Hunt, L. (2106) Evaluation of teaching. HERDSA Review of Higher Education, 3, 25-55.
- Chalmers, D. & Gardiner, D (2015). An evaluation framework for identifying the effectiveness and impact of academic teacher development programs. Special Issue: Evaluating Professional Development. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 46, 81–91
- Chalmers, D. (2014). The measurement and impact of university teacher training programs. Educar, (1)51, 1-28.
- Chalmers, D. (2011). Progress and challenges to the recognition and reward of the scholarship of teaching in higher education. Special issue: Institutional approaches to SoTL, Higher Education Research and Development Journal. 30(1), 25–38
- Southwell, D., Gannaway, D., Orrell, J., Chalmers, D., & Abraham, C. (2010). Strategies for effective dissemination of the outcomes of teaching and learning projects. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 32(1), 1-13
- Studies in Higher Education
- Higher Education Research and Development (HERD)
- International Journal for Academic Development (IJAD)
- Journal of Higher Education (JHE)
- Canadian Journal of Higher Education
- Research papers in Education
- Journal of University Teaching and Practice
- IPED conference and Journal Reviewer
- American Journal of Education
- Invited book reviewer for Springer, Routledge and Open University Press.
- Reviewer for Conferences eg ICED, HERDSA, ISSOTL, WA Teaching and Learning Forum